My very first clerkship of third year was internal medicine. Having just finished Step 1 (which now feels like an eternity ago!) I thought I knew things, but the anxiety of presenting patients confidently and accurately is still pretty memorable. I would write out all of my questions for each patient - even though I knew what I would ask - because I didn't want to forget any details. The truth is us med students probably don't give ourselves enough credit. I've been lucky to collaborate with Medical Basics and got to try out their scrubnotes ID badge cards and I truly wish I had these during my core clerkships. My favorites are the quick H&P reminder notes because I would've helped me to be more confident knowing that I didn't have to spend an hour writing a template for myself and could just look down at this card! For my last two rotations of medical school (what?!) I'll be on peds endocrinology and the anesthesia ICU. I'm excited to use the common insulin preparations card and the ABG/VBG card (because lets me honest, blood gases and acid base problems are still a thing and I can't avoid it anymore lol).
The medical abbreviations notebook is a nice little tool to have in your coat pocket, too. As a new third year, and now as a fourth year, there are always abbreviations thrown around that are specialty specific. I never liked the feeling of not knowing what my team was talking about and feeling like I had to wait until after rounds to look it up. This little book lets you look it up right then and there - even during rounds.
Make sure you check out the giveaway on my instagram :)
{Medical ID badge cards & abbreviations pocket book c/o Medical Basics}
Follow them at @medicalbasics